Moving to a more affordable area could be the fresh start you need to get ahead financially. While some markets are certainly more affordable than others, know that working with a trusted real estate agent to find what fits your budget and your desired location – no matter where you ...
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Most prospective homebuyers don’t know the minimum credit score lenders require or that it varies by lender and loan type. If you want to explore your options to see what’s out there, connect with a trusted lender. #homebuying #realestateexpert #keepingcurrentmatters ...
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You may be wondering if home prices are going to crash. And believe it or not, some people might even be hoping this happens so they can finally purchase a more affordable home. But experts agree that’s not what’s in the cards – and here’s why. There are more people who want to ...
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The holiday season is a busy time for most people filled with shopping for gifts, going to parties, hosting guests, and perhaps traveling to visit loved ones. Amid all the holiday cheer and festivities, shopping for a home often doesn’t make the list of top things to do. Besides being ...
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