Categories for Home Owner

7 Ways to Make Your Yard & Home a Bug-Free Zone🐛🐜

A lush spot for outdoor entertaining? Great. Perfect. A constant swarm of insects that invade your patio and home? No, thank you. Here’s how to keep bugs away from your patio and yard, and from getting inside your house. #1 Install Patio Fans Image: Designed by Emily Klapkowski of You-Neek Designs ...

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Easiest Spring Cleaning Checklist For Your Yard 🧹

With spring in full swing, we can look forward to longer days, warmer weather, spring flowers and enjoying time outdoors. However, when the snow melted and revealed everything underneath, your newly thawed optimism likely waned after thinking of all the yard work that has to get done. To keep your ...

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🧹The Most Common Spring Cleaning Mistake (Plus 8 Others)🧽

Don’t open the windows. That spring breeze is no help at all. Once there’s even a glimmer of spring, you’re ready to throw open your windows and let the breeze blow away the winter funk. Well, you might want to rethink that spring cleaning ritual this year. If you’re an allergy sufferer ...

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5 Gotta Do’s in April for a Worry-Free Summer

Battle bugs before they bite (or sting!) you — and check the attic for problems. Image: Trifonenko/Getty   Tackling five simple tasks now gives you a head start on spring. That leaves you plenty of worry-free time to enjoy the warmer weather. #1 Tell Insects to Bug Off Image: Mojoje/Getty ...

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