Getting ready to sell your home can feel like a whirlwind. There’s so many things to do, and while you’re likely to check all the major tasks off your to-do list — like cleaning and getting your listing photos taken — there are some smaller tasks that might fall through ...
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It’s a good idea to hire an HVAC company to inspect and do maintenance on your system every fall and spring. They’ll do things like inspect and clean the wiring and mechanisms of the air conditioner and furnace, which are a bit more challenging for the average homeowner. But you can ...
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The process of buying a home can feel a bit intimidating, even under normal circumstances. But today’s market is still anything but normal. There continues to be a very limited number of homes for sale, and that’s creating bidding wars and driving home prices back up as buyers compete over the available homes. Navigating ...
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Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia Image: Robert Clay Reed/Getty These survivors laugh in the face of drought and deer. They love hot, sunny climes and bloom in summer, when most trees have ended their show. BUT, crape myrtles hate to be topped off; if you give them plenty of room to grow (15 to ...
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